DOCUMENTS Multilateral Environmental Agreements - extract from InforMEA e-learning course Introduction to International Environmental Governance (IEG) - extract from InforMEA e-learning course Basel Convention: Institutional framework and the synergies process - extract from InforMEA e-learning course ONLINE COURSES Introduction to Environmental Governance Introductory Course to International Environmental Law External links Global Environmental Governance: Fixing a troubled system - Adil Najam CBD report: enhancing synergies among the biodiversity related conventions at t… Overview of initiatives for enhancing coordination and collaboration at various… Putting Rio Principle 10 into Action: An Implementation Guide to the Bali Guide… Glossary Terms Environmental Rule of Law Access to information Access to justice Compliance Dispute settlement Enforcement International agreement Conference of the Parties Synergy International cooperation Public participation Governance Implementation Stakeholder engagement Intergovernmental organization Non-governmental organization