الوثائق Major components of the Ramsar Convention- extract from InforMEA e-learning course Major Components of the Nagoya Protocol - extract from InforMEA e-learning course The Fish Stock Agreement - extract from InforMEA e-learning course An Introduction to National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans CBD: Measures for Conservation and Sustainable Use - extract from InforMEA e-learning course Factsheet - Convention on Biodiversity Introduction to the CMS Family - extract from InforMEA e-learning course CBD: Mechanisms for Implementation - extract from InforMEA e-learning course ONLINE COURSES Introductory Course to the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization Introductory Course to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Introductory Course to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Introductory Course to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Course for the National Focal Points for the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) and its Instruments EXTERNAL RESOURCES Ramsar Fact Sheets External links World Wildlife Day 2018 - Bradnee Chambers, CMS Executive Secretary The Rise of Environmental Crime – A Growing Threat To Natural Resources Peace, … Glossary Terms Biodiversity Access to genetic resources Access and benefit sharing Bioprospecting Biotechnology Technology transfer Ex-situ conservation In-situ conservation Ecosystem approach Ecosystem preservation Ecosystem restoration Ecosystem service Wetland ecosystem Public awareness Information exchange Mutually agreed term Prior informed consent Illegal fishing Implementation Indigenous knowledge Inland water National strategy Protected area Marine protected area Indigenous species Migratory species Threatened species Sustainable use Illegal trade Wetland Inland wetland RAMSAR site Videos In situ conservation - Protecting the Protected Areas: Partnering to Expand the Most Precious 17% of the Planet ABS - Simply explained People, plants and profits Video – Wetland conservation in Buthan
In situ conservation - Protecting the Protected Areas: Partnering to Expand the Most Precious 17% of the Planet