文件 Regulation of Freshwater at the Regional and Subregional Levels - extract from InforMEA e-learning course United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses - extract from InforMEA e-learning course Introduction to Freshwater Resources - extract from InforMEA e-learning course External links The Greening of Water Law: Managing Freshwater Resources for People and the Env… Introductory Course to the International Legal Framework on Freshwater Resource… Glossary Terms Benefit sharing Ecosystem approach Payment for ecosystem service Glacier Hydroelectric energy Environmental impact assessment Environmental Rule of Law No harm rule Precautionary principle Fisheries management Integrated management Prevention Transboundary effect Water pollution Water resource Hydrological cycle Water conservation Water resources management Drinking water Surface water Water use Watercourse International watercourse Videos One Water